Abstract Submission


Abstract Submission Deadline Extended to: 11:59 PM, EST, February 28, 2013

Click here to submit your abstract.

The 14th International Superconductive Electronics Conference is a forum for all aspects of electronic applications of superconductivity. Abstracts describing presentations to be placed in the conference program are hereby solicited.

  • All abstracts must be submitted using this ISEC web-based abstract submission system. Please do not email or fax abstracts.
  • Late submissions will only be accepted at the discretion of the appropriate conference program chairman.
  • All abstracts must be written in English, must deal with electronic applications of superconductivity, and must contain sufficient information to permit placement within the program. Abstracts will be reviewed by the Program Committee, which reserves the right to reject abstracts that do not conform to these guidelines.
  • The Program Committee reserves the right to change the type of presentation (oral or poster) from that preferred by the author, if necessary, to accommodate limitations on meeting space and other constraints.
  • Abstract length limitations (includes spaces):
    • Title and Abstract Content/Body: 1600 characters
    • Acknowledgment: 300 characters
  • Authors can type or paste text content directly into the appropriate fields during the submission process. The option to use some special symbols will be provided. If symbols outside the submission site capability are used, please substitute the symbols with plain text. For example, write out “mu” for the Greek letter mu.
  • Authors are responsible for the accuracy of any submitted information.
  • A confirmation step will permit authors to verify all content and give final approval. Only completed and approved submissions will be reviewed for technical program consideration.
  • Abstracts may be edited prior to the deadline using the abstract submission site.  However, if abstracts have already been reviewed, change requests must be submitted to Centennial Conferences via email.
  • Notice of acceptance for inclusion in the ISEC’13 Program will be sent electronically to the Submitting Author by March 15, 2013.

Abstract Submission Deadline Extended to: 11:59 PM, EST, February 28, 2013

Click here to submit your abstract.