
Welcome to ISEC 2013

July 7-11, 2013

Hyatt Regency Hotel

Cambridge, MA, USA




ISEC 2013 Program and Schedule Planner

ISEC 2013 participants now have the opportunity to use new tools to plan their time and schedule for the conference. Use this link that will take you to the ISEC’13 Scientific Program/Itinerary Planner. Using this tool you can browse through all of the abstracts and click those you want to see presented. Name and save your choices and if you desire you can print a hard copy of your personalized program.

If you are a smart phone or tablet user this link will give you instructions and QR codes to download the mobile itinerary planner app. Once the app is installed it takes only seconds to download your saved itinerary to your device.


ISEC 2013 Proceedings

The ISEC is a biennial conference focused entirely on superconductive electronics. ISEC 2013 was an IEEE conference sponsored by the IEEE Council on Superconductivity. It covered many rapidly developing areas such as SQUIDs, SQUID-array circuits and systems, energy-efficient digital and mixed signal circuits, memory circuits, quantum information processing circuits, detectors, metamaterials, superconducting spintronics, and novel devices. These Proceedings contain IEEE-copyrighted conference papers, reviewed by the ISEC 2013 Program Committee, that record the research results presented at the conference.

The ISEC 2013 Proceedings are now available and can be accessed here.


NOTE: This site will be the source of all conference related information and is being updated frequently. Please be sure to check back often!

Be sure to add isec@centennialconferences.com to your email address book to ensure that all announcements and future correspondence is received.